Helping people find available supportive services in Santa Cruz County.
To offer low-barrier, high-quality, sustainable support to Medi-Cal recipients struggling with homelessness, mental health challenges, substance use, and repeated emergency room.
Services include medical case management, housing support, advocacy, referrals. Coming soon: a food pantry and clothing closet.
You can also find our previous day services at and a link to make a donation and make a difference to those most vulnerable in our community.
February 2024 Bilingual Family Resource Calendar - Recursos de febrero (pdf)
DownloadJanus Open Access Withdrawal Management Flier (pdf)
DownloadJanus Open Access Withdrawal Management Brochure (pdf)
DownloadMarch Free pet immunizations - Marzo - Inmunizaciones gratuitas para mascotas. (jpeg)
DownloadPet Food Resources - Bilingual (pdf)
DownloadLow-Cost Vet Care Resources - Bilingual (pdf)
Download(safe supplies) Safe Use and Overdose Prevention Program (SUOPP) 11-20-2024 (pdf)
DownloadEncompass Program Offerings 11.15.2024r (pdf)
DownloadEncompassServicesFlyer-updated-9.16.24 (pdf)
DownloadEncompassReferralGuide-Spanish-10-02-24 (pdf)
DownloadJanus programs numbers and descriptions (pdf)
If you are a program offering services and want to add or update your program information on the 211 referral service please contact Kassandra Flores at